Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Silkscreened Flat Lanyard

  • This lanyard is made of flat ribbed polyester, providing excellent detail and clarity.
  • It's perfect for standing out at conventions, concerts, and tradeshows.
  • Choose from 5 different width sizes and attachment options, including swivel j-hook, swivel bulldog clip, or keyring.
  • Silkscreen your company logo onto the lanyard for a convenient and high-quality promotional item that doubles as a souvenir.
  • Optional PMS ink and material matching is available to ensure your branding is consistent.
Production Time: 12 Working Days
100 $2.71 each
144 $2.46 each
250 $2.24 each
500 $2.11 each
750 $2.04 each
1000 $1.95 each
Show your dedication to the fight against Breast Cancer with a long-lasting item that will stay in sight. These flat ribbed polyester lanyards are especially designed for the cause and make a great giveaway at charity walks or marathons. Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place throughout October but with your name and logo silkscreened on these lanyards you've got a promotional souvenir that will spread awareness all year round.

Normal Production Time
12 Working Days

Product Size
0.5 IN Wide X 35 IN Long

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